Thursday, June 24, 2010

not being a tomato

Dear sunburn that is currently residing on my chest and stomach,

Please go away. You hurt. And when I put aloe on you, you still hurt a little, and the aloe sticks to my shirt and stays wet and gross. Also, you look bad. I'm going to Seattle tomorrow, and I would like to look nice and not need to wear a turtle neck to cover you. Usually you turn to a tan the next day...but this time...welll, lets just say I'm never letting you come back. I'd rather be completely white.

Love, Amy

Burn baby burn! Disco inferno! Burn baby burn!

Ok, so I guess its only fair I talk about where this sunburn came from.

Besides the big obvious - the sun - I went to the lake yesterday with a friend and her boyfriend! And by yesterday, I mean Tuesday (not Wednesday, as it is now technically Thursday).  

It was uber uber fun! And just plain relaxing. 

I was SO white though. But only on my stomach. So oh-so-brilliant me used some of my friends tanning oil.  BAD IDEA. I was slightly pink yesterday when I got home, it hurt a little last night. Nothing too bad. I woke up this morning. Bam. So. Red.

And its just super annoying cause my sunburns always brown super fast.  Another major bumski is that I was wearing shorts yesterday. And I further enhanced the tan line on my thighs (it was already there from tennis, I just made it worse).

Guessss I will be wearing shorts when I go swimming now. There is NO way I'm gonna risk another burn. And where my shorts rub? Not happening.

But back to the lake yesterday. We were lounging on our towels (I was reading) and this kid sets up his towel kind of right next to us, and he just started talking to us. And then he asks to use my friends tanning oil. Really? Seriously? You're a guy! You're not supposed to care about that stuff.  It doesn't help that he totally got browner and I did nothing but get pinker. So jealous.  He was pretty cool though. We didn't talk much but he would randomly say stuff.

And then last night I played frisbee/on the playground with my friends Clarissa and Cheyenne. I have improved my frisbee game so much! And on you tube I looked some stuff up that I'm gonna have to end up teaching myself. Next time I play with Louie, he's gonna be so impressed and jealous of my skill - he won't know what hit him (hopefully the frisbee! :] Kiddddding)

Despues playing, we went to Clarissa's house and had some of the best girl talk ever. The reason it was the best girl talk ever was because it wasn't even really about boys. Now THAT bonding. We did talk a lot about wedding stuff because Clarissa is engaged. And shes getting married! On Sunday! I'm a bridesmaid, and I'm getting pretty excited.

Today was far less exciting. I woke up, gymmed, relaxed, worked, more relax. I liked it though. When I'm busy on other days, these lax days are so much better.

I hate when I'm thinking one thing and my fingers type another thing. I realized a week ago when reading through some blog entries I read some REALLY bad grammatical errors. And just sentences that don't make sense. But when reading this, you have to keep in mind that these are just my thoughts, and so sometimes I'll be halfway through a thought, and then I'll reconfigure the wording, or accidentally type another word. No edits, because I typically don't go back and reread everything before I post it. Its all raw material, baby! (Though as I type I DO pay close attention to spelling. In Mozilla words spelled incorrectly are underlined in red, and I usually can tell when I spell words wrong anyway. However, when I spell a word right, and its a word pronounced the same but means something out...welll, thats a different story.) I also rarely pay attention to apostrophes. Live with it.

Know whats weird? How I only put one space between sentences. I know I'm supposed to put two, but in journalism, its only one space between sentences. And I remember just a few months ago (at that point I had more than a full years experience in journalism) having difficulty remembering to put one space instead of two! And now I can't kick the habit of just one ): Its so much easier! Well, thats a lie, its really not that much easier. Does anyone even notice how many spaces there are anyway?

Last book read: A different Gossip Girl book
Currently reading: Charming Thirds***

***I should mention that Charming Thirds is the last of the 8 books I got Monday afternoon. Yep. Me=Lame. I'm kinda disappointed though, because I won't have enough reading material for my plane ride tomorrow, and the plane ride Friday! And the library doesn't open till 11 tomorrow...which sucks cause I leave at 10:15. Urrrrrgh.

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