Thursday, June 10, 2010


I mean, McFly pretty much is the best band ever. I've loved them for over four years now. Which seems to be quite a feat for me, because I've never liked a band for so long. But then again, I'm only 17. Still though - impressive seeing as I'm incredibly indecisive.

And don't get me started on Tom Fletcher. I've loved him for the same amount of time, and I've fa sho never liked a guy for more than four years. Sigh, unrequited love ;)

Earlier today I was watching Sweet Home Alabama on my computer. It was my first time seeing it, and I really liked it alot. But maybe the reason I like it so much is because I still haven't finished it. Not that I've heard that the ending is bad, but just because they didn't have the full movie on the site I was watching it on. And I couldn't find the full movie anywhere (unless it was one of those sites where you have do a quiz and give out your address).

So thats lame. I am tempted to just look up the ending (although I'm pretty sure what will happen - I mean, come on, its a chick flick!), but I don't wanna ruin it and then never want to ever see the end of it.

Today my best friend left for Hungary, as she does every summer. This year I'll see her after a month though because I'm going out there to see her - but still! A month! Thats like...1/12 of a year.

Woke up
Doctor's appointment
....and the rest of the day is yet to be finished. I plan on heading over to my fathers office to work on a tutorial thing for college later on...but eh, we'll see....

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