Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I used to not like cherries. A few days ago, I was hungry and looking for a snack. My mom suggested cherries. And oddly enough, cherries sounded REALLY appetizing. So I ate some. And I've been eating them constantly since (granted, its only been like three days now). I still hate maraschinos though. Ew. Just ew.


My name is Amy. And in the last sentence I just wrote, I cursed my 'm' key approximately two times, because sometimes it sticks it doesn't work. Kind of like my cell phone, which has the 'v' key sometimes stuck. You'd be surprised at how often I use the letter 'v'.

I just graduated highschool, and I'm headed off to college in Seattle in September (September in Seattle, Sean Mullins:), good song). But before that, I gotta get through this summer. Not that summer is hard to get through or anything. It just sometimes feels like its so...long. I just get bored. Only on some days, but still. And I feel so stressed when I'm bored. Like I NEED to be out doing something exciting!

Anyway, thats how its felt in past summers. I'm really hoping its different this year cause I have a job (which unfortunately isn't all that steady at this point and time) and because half way through the summer I am joining a friend of mine in Europe. I'll be there for about a month. And when we get back, I still have another month. Though I expect I won't be too bored then. I'll be too busy created memories. I hope.

Enough about this summer; more about me. That is the point of this blog right? For me to talk about myself without annoying my friends to no end?

Well, I play tennis. On my highschool tennis team this past spring I was the number one girl. Which was really awesome - mainly cause I worked my way from the bottom of the latter freshmen year to the top my senior year. 

I love television and movies and books. Mainly, I just love stories. A lot of the time I feel like my life is boring - so I like to live through fictional stories. Sometimes its slightly pathetic as I get so wrapped up in the plot line - mainly in television shows because of all the cliff hangers. I think I like reading the best, though I haven't read much lately. The end of senior year was pretty stressful, and I haven't gotten back into reading yet. So right now I'm just on a TV streak. Lots of One Tree Hill. 

But back to reading. I've been a pretty huge book worm (Where did this phrase come from?) for most of my life. Except recently. And its weird. I remember reading constantly. And now I feel like I barely ever do it. I can't even begin to say its because there are no books left to read, because I don't think there will EVER be no books to read. Maybe its because I can't read those lame teen books anymore. I mean, I can, I just feel lame purchasing them or checking them out from the library. And most of my favorite books are actually adult novels, but I have a hard time choosing out those books to read because they look SO boring. Why do adult novels have covers that make me want to fall asleep? When I want to start an adult novel, its tough. I have a tough time sitting down and getting started. With the lame teen books, the covers are so pretty and bright that I KNOW I will enjoy it. I KNOW I will finish it really quickly. I KNOW I'll have characters to root for. But with a boring cover...ah, I dunno.  Why must I love teenage romance novels? It may be because I want one of those lame romances for myself...

Woke up at 9:30
Cleaned my room

In conclusion...too much relaxation.

Lets do something about that tomorrow....

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