Sunday, June 13, 2010


Those articles of clothing are SO hard to shop for (at least in my experience), but once you find a pair you like. Ahhh, perfection!


Today has definitely been the most eventful day of my summer thus far. Well, maybe not. Does work count as something fun? Maybe not, but at least I was kept occupied and was able to make some money while doing it.

Before work, I went to a bridal shower for one of my best friends! I'm a bridesmaid :) It was nice to see a few of my friends  - although it had only been a week. I mentioned how we need to hang out because I've been holed up in my house, so I think I'll be a little better off next week... especially since I've already kinda made plans with three different people? Oops, I'll figure it out tomorrow - will give me something to do before going to work again.

Today I discovered a new artist that I love. Well, I don't think its a new artist, but its definitely new to me. Ben Folds. Ahhh that music just is so EASY to listen to. Like, its not exactly the music I find myself singing at the top of my lungs. Its more the music I could just sit and listen to and ENJOY.

I don't feel like I have as much to say today as I have in the past. Maybe its cause I am simultaneously writing my daily comment to my friend who is currently in the land of Hungaria!

Oh, welp, something I've been doing a lot of lately is looking at the website of the college I am leaving for in September, and just hoping I find something new and fun to look forward. Or I look around on the interwebs for cool bed comforters and dorm things I should get. Fun? Yes. Helpful? Yes (though maybe I should not do it so often). Sad? ...perhaps!

I wish I could write more, but nothing is really on my mind today. Maybe tomorrow.

Hungarian phrase: Köszönöm (thank you) (how odd is it that it is pronounced kers-ern-erm?)
Last movie watched: Sweet Home Alabama (again) (Though I should add I watched it again since my last post. Ahah)
"What do you wanna marry me for anyhow?"
"So I can kiss you anytime I want"

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