Friday, June 18, 2010


I debated to say I like boys, or men. Most of the guys I like nowadays are above 18, so they should qualify as men. Though its weird to think of them as men, mainly because they still act like boys.

Anyway, this was just an excuse for me to mention a bunch of male celebrities and talk about how hot they are. Lets go.

Tom Fletcher - I think I've already briefly touched on this one. Tom is without a doubt my biggest celebrity crush. He's in the band McFly. I'm not sure whats cuter - how crazy he goes onstage with his guitar, his British accent, his sense of humor, or his obsessions with Harry Potter, Friends, Star Wars, Toy Story, and etc.

Corey Monteith - Oh Glee. How I love that show, so that I can watch Monteith portray Finn every Tuesday night. Not only is he freakin' adorable, his voice is just soo hot.

Paul Rudd - I fell in love with the fiiiiiiine man when watching Season 9 of Friends a few years ago. And then I discovered Clueless. And then he was in I Love You, Man. Among others. God, he's just so tasty.

Austin Nichols (left, with his girlfriend Sophia Bush, who I happen to think the is most gorgeous girl ever) - My love for him is far more recent - though he does reconnect to my past. Last April I became obsessed with One Tree Hill, and when I watched Season 6 a few weeks ago - bam, Austin Nichols entered the show. And I loooove him. When I wiki'd him a few weeks ago, I realized he was in a movie I used to love when I was like 14 and younger. Holiday in the Sun (with Mary Kate and Ashley!)! He played Griffin. And oh my god, I thought he was so ugly! Which is perhaps why I love him even more though now. He's always had a sexy voice though. Oh, and his smile? SO cute.

Ryan Reynolds - Possibly the second hottest on this list (Physically, personality not included) after Austin Nichols. This man is just...gahhhhh. He's got one of the most perfect chin lines ever. And he has niiiiice abs. And don't even get my started on how good he was in Just Friends. And the Proposal. And Definitely Maybe. THIS MAN IS AWESOME. And I hate Scarlett Johanssen <3

Matthew Perry - Friends. Yeah. I think I'm more in love with Chandler Bing than Matthew.

Bradley Cooper - I think its his nose that makes him really hot, for some reason. And the way he stands - I can just tell he's SO confident.

Harry Judd - Also in McFly. Also, dead sexy. Seriously. He's just got one of those extremely handsome faces. And his hair is to die for. Perfect spiked (but not in a loser way.) And he plays drums. So. Hot.

This is all I can think of at the moment. I KNOW I have more to add to the list, but I'm just kind of blanking right now.

All of this made me sound like probably the most shallow person ever. But really, I'm not. I mean, looks are nice. I would even say they are somewhat important. But if a guy has an ugly personality? Get out. Looks are just an extra. Usually when I like a guy, he was cuter than before I liked him because I got to know him.

Hungarian phrase: Not today
Last movie watched: Would you believe me if I said I watched a movie last night but I don't remember what it is? Oops.

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