Tuesday, June 15, 2010

actually getting out of the house

Which I did today!

Whoo hoo! Unfortunately I don't really feel like writing today. Which is why I suppose this blog will remain boring and full of complaints about me being bored - because when I have stuff going on, I don't feel like blogging afterward. In fact, I usually feel like sleeping. Like at this very moment.

I will go on ahead anyway though because I'll probably forget some of this stuff tomorrow, and its all still very fresh in my head.

Lets start with my dentist appointment.

At my dentist office, there was a new hygienist dude. At least for me. I think he was new-ish (past 6 months new, that is) though. This was my first dentist appointment at this dentist office (where I have been going for maybe 4 or 5 years now?) where I did not watch the TV because he started out talking to me about Europe (cause he heard I was traveling later this summer) and I thought it would be rude to ask for the TV to be on. It was ok though.

ANYWAY. Since he was new, he had no knowledge of my past dentistry experience which my prior hygienists did because I had mentioned it when I first started going to this particular place to get my teeth looked at.

So he mentioned that he was going to polish my teeth, and I mentioned that when I was young, I would often cry before and during the entire polishing process. Until I was like 11. I know, seriously, pathetic. He kinda laughed, and then I said something like, "Yeah I still don't really like it, but I've realized its something that needs to be done."

It was at this point that he basically told me that, no, it didn't.

Apparently polishing is for removing stains. I don't know WHAT I thought polishing was for before, but I thought it was something uber important. Like removing plaque? Oh, but polishing does do that! Though he informed me that it only removes surface plaque, and that can be removed with a toothbrush.


He then said I could bypass the polishing if I wanted since my teeth weren't really stained, and it was purely to freshen up.

I figured my mom would want me to get them polished, and I like shinier teeth, so I said I'd like him to polish them anyway (despite the nasty taste and consistency).


I went to a graduation party for a friend of mine, and there was an extremely beautiful man there. Oh my god. I noticed him when he was sitting in the hot tub (my friends and I were up above cause we didn't bring swim suits). And I thought he was pretty cute.

As I was pointing him out to a friend of mine, he started to get out of the hot tub. And oh my god. His abs. So. Beautiful.

I stared at him for much of the evening.

Before I knew his name, I called him 'Abs'. It seemed fitting. One of my friends called him 'Jacob Black' because of how tan he was. (Keep in mind that this Twilight reference was not because she is a Twilight fan. It was more making fun of him and how tan he was. BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS BEAUTIFUL). So then our friend (who's graduation party it was) informed us of his real name.

But I continued to call him Abs. Because he is/was nothing but a piece of meat to me.

I feel ok admitting that because I will never see him again - due to the fact that while I am extremely outgoing at times, I'm freaking shy when it comes to meeting new people (college....new people...agh scary!).

And then after the party we went to Target because there is nothing else to do in this lame town. How sad. On the bright side, there was a book we looked at that had a lot of pretty cupcakes.

Yesterday my friend in Hungary (who I am going out to see later!) got online, and responded to many of my comments (cause I leave them daily while she is away for the summer. This is the third year of it.) and it made me uber duber happy! Yesterday I also worked a 7 hour shift. Yayyy for money. I was extremely unhappy to arrive back home at 10 PM to find my sister had finished off the last of the ice cream.

Oh well, good thing its out of the house so I can eat healthier? Eh. I need to hit the gym...

Hungarian Phrase: Kérem (Please) (Still unable to conquer 'goodbye'! ARGH)
Last movie watched: Sweet Home Alabama (I didn't watch it again even! High five for having a life and not watching too many movies! *smack!* <-- as in giving a high five...yeah...)

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