Saturday, July 3, 2010


Cause seriously. If there weren't water in the world, we'd all pretty much be nonexistent. Plus its especially handy in the summer for swimming in. And drinking. By the pool.  "Ahh, waiter, could you please fetch me a tall glass of ice water and set it down right next to my beach bag? Thanks"

Now, before you all go getting mad at me because I haven't posted a blog in over a week, just remember that there are none of 'you', and I've been busy.

But not really.

To be completely honest, for the past week I've been up to nothing. And its not like I just forgot this blog existed. I just didn't feel like writing. Also, I only thought about writing in the blog while I was actually doing something. 

So lets cover the last week as quickly as possible.

6/24-6/25: I went to Seattle and registered for classes. It went well, I got almost all the classes I wanted. The one class I didn't get didn't even really matter. Another annoyance is that one of the classes I got I had to take a different time because the time I wanted was full.

6/26: I went frisbee-ing with Louie, and then we went to my friends house cause I needed to borrow a pair of heels. I locked my keys in my car. That was fun. Then I had a rehearsal dinner (for a wedding) to get to. We rehearsed the wedding ceremony, and then went to Chevy's where I ate lots and lots of chips and salsa. Also, some other things that I ordered, but only nibbled on cause I was so full from the delicious chips.

6/27: Wedding day! Not mine, obviously! It went well, though my feet hurt really bad from those freaking heels. Youch. 

6/28: Took a day to relax cause I had not had a day of relaxation in over a week. It was very...relaxing.

6/29: I WAS planning on going to the lake again...but...I didn't finish chores in time. 'Relaxation' again. Not too bad.

6/30: I had work. But not till 4, so that didn't really count for anything. Yippee. Relaxing isn't so much fun anymore. Oh! My mother and I also rented Dear John. I cried. Suckaaaaa!

1/1: Oh whats that Amy? You don't wanna relax anymore? Too bad, so sad! Around 7 PMish, I went to see Toy Story 3 with my mother. Yet another movie that makes me cry. Also, I wish Andy were real cause I'm kinda in love with him, kay?

1/2: This is really getting old. I relaxed some more. Just kidding, I'm not that much of a loser!! Oh how I wish I was kidding. I DID have another boring day. Though productive! I called the AP hotline or whatever to send my AP scores to the college I'm going to. And...called my highschool to make sure my transcripts were sent out. Shut up, I consider that productive.  At night time I took my sister to see Eclipse. It was ok, a lot better than I expected (seeing as I didn't really wanna see it in the first place and was just really desperate to get out of the house). The main conclusion I drew from the movie: Taylor Lautner is not a very good actor. He's nice to look at though. OH! Most important part of this day! I didn't eat any sweets! I was all healthy! Whoot, whoot.

(I just realized going to the gym has been part of my schedule nearly everyday, but I haven't been mentioning it. Oh well, it doesn't really count for anything...)

1/3 (thats today!!!): I went to the mall with my mother, then I went and got a pedicure with my friend Savannah (yay for seeing someone other than family!). When I got home, my mom and I watched Leap Year. Awful awful movie. And you know its a bad movie when I say its bad, cause I usually like bad movies.

So yep, thats been my week. That wasn't very quick as I intended. Oh well.

Currently reading: Nothing
Last read: I forget what its called. I just went through a bunch of books from the library.

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