Monday, July 12, 2010


More specifically; getting mail. Especially getting mail from the college I'm attending in the fall. Seeing a letter saying I need to send something in... or a postcard or pamphlet with some information... it just makes my day! That being said I plan to send my friends postcards while I'm away. Sure, it may not be as exciting as something from college... (but maybe it will be?)

Tonight my cousin and her husband came up for dinner since it was the last time they would see me before I leave for Hungary. Its crazy - I already had to say some goodbyes, and I don't even leave until Tuesday afternoon! Of course, tomorrow will have more goodbyes...

I remember when Charlotte left for Hungary a little over a month ago... or more specifically, two days before she left. I knew it would be the last time I would see her until I went to Hungary. My other three friends were sharing long hugs and saying goodbye like crazy. When it came to me, I refused to hug her goodbye. "I refuse to say goodbye because I'll be seeing you soon."

Goodbyes suck. I'm going to be away from everything I've ever known in a few days, and these people I have to say goodbye to are my comfort. At least its only 5 weeks. I'm really worried about college. It won't be a vacation. It will just be my life. I'm scared I'll have a tough time adjusting. Well, I know I will. 

Hungary is going to be like a practice college. I'm especially worried, because I won't even be in the country. I won't be able to call or email my family and friends all I want. 

Then again, I'm really excited. Mainly to see my best friend and meet new people.

I'm just having difficulty shaking the nerves! I didn't even feel nervous before today! Granted, I was always paranoid that I will have sleeping issues over there. But now I'm just scared of missing people. Its gonna be hard.

...and I'm pretty much going in circles here saying how nervous/excited I am. Ah.

I am really excited for tomorrow though!

And for sleeping in my bed tonight. Only 2 more sleeps. Crazy.

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