Thursday, June 24, 2010

not being a tomato

Dear sunburn that is currently residing on my chest and stomach,

Please go away. You hurt. And when I put aloe on you, you still hurt a little, and the aloe sticks to my shirt and stays wet and gross. Also, you look bad. I'm going to Seattle tomorrow, and I would like to look nice and not need to wear a turtle neck to cover you. Usually you turn to a tan the next day...but this time...welll, lets just say I'm never letting you come back. I'd rather be completely white.

Love, Amy

Burn baby burn! Disco inferno! Burn baby burn!

Ok, so I guess its only fair I talk about where this sunburn came from.

Besides the big obvious - the sun - I went to the lake yesterday with a friend and her boyfriend! And by yesterday, I mean Tuesday (not Wednesday, as it is now technically Thursday).  

It was uber uber fun! And just plain relaxing. 

I was SO white though. But only on my stomach. So oh-so-brilliant me used some of my friends tanning oil.  BAD IDEA. I was slightly pink yesterday when I got home, it hurt a little last night. Nothing too bad. I woke up this morning. Bam. So. Red.

And its just super annoying cause my sunburns always brown super fast.  Another major bumski is that I was wearing shorts yesterday. And I further enhanced the tan line on my thighs (it was already there from tennis, I just made it worse).

Guessss I will be wearing shorts when I go swimming now. There is NO way I'm gonna risk another burn. And where my shorts rub? Not happening.

But back to the lake yesterday. We were lounging on our towels (I was reading) and this kid sets up his towel kind of right next to us, and he just started talking to us. And then he asks to use my friends tanning oil. Really? Seriously? You're a guy! You're not supposed to care about that stuff.  It doesn't help that he totally got browner and I did nothing but get pinker. So jealous.  He was pretty cool though. We didn't talk much but he would randomly say stuff.

And then last night I played frisbee/on the playground with my friends Clarissa and Cheyenne. I have improved my frisbee game so much! And on you tube I looked some stuff up that I'm gonna have to end up teaching myself. Next time I play with Louie, he's gonna be so impressed and jealous of my skill - he won't know what hit him (hopefully the frisbee! :] Kiddddding)

Despues playing, we went to Clarissa's house and had some of the best girl talk ever. The reason it was the best girl talk ever was because it wasn't even really about boys. Now THAT bonding. We did talk a lot about wedding stuff because Clarissa is engaged. And shes getting married! On Sunday! I'm a bridesmaid, and I'm getting pretty excited.

Today was far less exciting. I woke up, gymmed, relaxed, worked, more relax. I liked it though. When I'm busy on other days, these lax days are so much better.

I hate when I'm thinking one thing and my fingers type another thing. I realized a week ago when reading through some blog entries I read some REALLY bad grammatical errors. And just sentences that don't make sense. But when reading this, you have to keep in mind that these are just my thoughts, and so sometimes I'll be halfway through a thought, and then I'll reconfigure the wording, or accidentally type another word. No edits, because I typically don't go back and reread everything before I post it. Its all raw material, baby! (Though as I type I DO pay close attention to spelling. In Mozilla words spelled incorrectly are underlined in red, and I usually can tell when I spell words wrong anyway. However, when I spell a word right, and its a word pronounced the same but means something out...welll, thats a different story.) I also rarely pay attention to apostrophes. Live with it.

Know whats weird? How I only put one space between sentences. I know I'm supposed to put two, but in journalism, its only one space between sentences. And I remember just a few months ago (at that point I had more than a full years experience in journalism) having difficulty remembering to put one space instead of two! And now I can't kick the habit of just one ): Its so much easier! Well, thats a lie, its really not that much easier. Does anyone even notice how many spaces there are anyway?

Last book read: A different Gossip Girl book
Currently reading: Charming Thirds***

***I should mention that Charming Thirds is the last of the 8 books I got Monday afternoon. Yep. Me=Lame. I'm kinda disappointed though, because I won't have enough reading material for my plane ride tomorrow, and the plane ride Friday! And the library doesn't open till 11 tomorrow...which sucks cause I leave at 10:15. Urrrrrgh.

Monday, June 21, 2010

ice cream

Alllll kinds too! Though I prefer it without nuts. But yep, just finished a bowl of mint chip. It was GOOOOOOD. 

Today I did a lot of stuff. This week is turning out to be a pretty good one!! :) Even though its only Monday. So yay. Anywho. 

This morning I woke up and went to the gym. Then, came home showered, and picked up my friend Louie. We went to a nearby elementary school and played frisbee (he's teaching me how to play better), played on the playground, and then we headed over to my (ex)highschool and played some tennis (I'm teaching him on this one). 

This reminds me - have I not mentioned tennis? Well, I LOVE tennis. And I think I'm pretty good. I mean, I was at least the best girl in my school this year. Yup, #1 girls singles, baby! I haven't played really at all since the season ended a month or so ago, but thats ok. It ended well. Today made me want to play more. But I'm all about the competition for me. No competition - no motivation. Theres no tennis team in Seattle, which I guess is good because I need to focus on school, and I would be a small fish in a large pond, but knowing I'll never play for a school again is tough. 

Oh, anyway, back to today. After I dropped my friend Louie off at his house, I went to the library and picked up some books to read.

I remember in middle school and right before highschool during the summer I would go to the library every few days and get like ten books. I would then read them all, and make another trip.  Today kind of reminded me of this. I miss it. If I always have books, I won't be bored. So I plan to read lots and lots of books this summer. I only got eight today, but it should still last me a few extra days because I'm pretty busy until next Monday.

Though that being said, I already have read two, and it wouldn't be hard to knock out two more each day (even with all my plans).

Today I also purchased some new music! I bought some Ben Folds (&Ben Folds Five) (I mentioned my new love of him last week, if I recall), a few songs by Train, and a few songs by Elton John. Who, by the way, I never realized sang so many of the songs he did until today! I feel ridiculously out of it. And lame. So, even though I never really 'liked' Elton John before, I can honestly say I'm a HUGE fan after realizing that he sang many of the songs that I love.

So yes, this was my day.

Onwards to tomorrow! Hope its another good one :)
Hungarian phrase: Actually, I've given up on this for now as my friend Louie today informed me my pronunciation is wrong. Not my fault, but the fault of the site. Phooey. When I find a better pronunciation/Hungarian phrase website, it will be continued.
Last book read: "Don't you forget about me" (its a Gossip Girl book) 
(I'm gonna switch last book/movie read/watched seeing as it doesn't change as often as it could. Whenever it changes, it will be posted, kay? :D)

Friday, June 18, 2010


I debated to say I like boys, or men. Most of the guys I like nowadays are above 18, so they should qualify as men. Though its weird to think of them as men, mainly because they still act like boys.

Anyway, this was just an excuse for me to mention a bunch of male celebrities and talk about how hot they are. Lets go.

Tom Fletcher - I think I've already briefly touched on this one. Tom is without a doubt my biggest celebrity crush. He's in the band McFly. I'm not sure whats cuter - how crazy he goes onstage with his guitar, his British accent, his sense of humor, or his obsessions with Harry Potter, Friends, Star Wars, Toy Story, and etc.

Corey Monteith - Oh Glee. How I love that show, so that I can watch Monteith portray Finn every Tuesday night. Not only is he freakin' adorable, his voice is just soo hot.

Paul Rudd - I fell in love with the fiiiiiiine man when watching Season 9 of Friends a few years ago. And then I discovered Clueless. And then he was in I Love You, Man. Among others. God, he's just so tasty.

Austin Nichols (left, with his girlfriend Sophia Bush, who I happen to think the is most gorgeous girl ever) - My love for him is far more recent - though he does reconnect to my past. Last April I became obsessed with One Tree Hill, and when I watched Season 6 a few weeks ago - bam, Austin Nichols entered the show. And I loooove him. When I wiki'd him a few weeks ago, I realized he was in a movie I used to love when I was like 14 and younger. Holiday in the Sun (with Mary Kate and Ashley!)! He played Griffin. And oh my god, I thought he was so ugly! Which is perhaps why I love him even more though now. He's always had a sexy voice though. Oh, and his smile? SO cute.

Ryan Reynolds - Possibly the second hottest on this list (Physically, personality not included) after Austin Nichols. This man is just...gahhhhh. He's got one of the most perfect chin lines ever. And he has niiiiice abs. And don't even get my started on how good he was in Just Friends. And the Proposal. And Definitely Maybe. THIS MAN IS AWESOME. And I hate Scarlett Johanssen <3

Matthew Perry - Friends. Yeah. I think I'm more in love with Chandler Bing than Matthew.

Bradley Cooper - I think its his nose that makes him really hot, for some reason. And the way he stands - I can just tell he's SO confident.

Harry Judd - Also in McFly. Also, dead sexy. Seriously. He's just got one of those extremely handsome faces. And his hair is to die for. Perfect spiked (but not in a loser way.) And he plays drums. So. Hot.

This is all I can think of at the moment. I KNOW I have more to add to the list, but I'm just kind of blanking right now.

All of this made me sound like probably the most shallow person ever. But really, I'm not. I mean, looks are nice. I would even say they are somewhat important. But if a guy has an ugly personality? Get out. Looks are just an extra. Usually when I like a guy, he was cuter than before I liked him because I got to know him.

Hungarian phrase: Not today
Last movie watched: Would you believe me if I said I watched a movie last night but I don't remember what it is? Oops.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


...and I'm a teenager. So I guess it goes hand in hand.

Last night, as I snuggled into my bed, I realized the best part about sleeping. The big comforter.  Really, and when you get the perfect mix of hot and cold...there's no better feeling in the world. And the fact that the big plushy blanket wrapped around you just adds to the comfort.

Which is one of my few dislikes about summer. No big blankets needed (unless one wants to overheat!). I mean, I can sleep without blankets, but I prefer not to. It feels too much like a nap when I'm not surrounded by the perfect amount of warmth.

So far this summer has been rather pleasing though. I go to sleep with just a sheet, and I'll usually wake up around 2 or 3 cold, and pull on the big blanket. I have developed the perfect system for this too. I sleep on 2/3 of the bed, and on the other 1/3, the blanket is kinda rolled up, so it takes no strength whatsoever to pull it over me.

I also like that I wake up in the middle of the night. For some odd reason, I like waking up in the middle of the night. Especially when I  have an early alarm set for the next morning. Waking up in the middle of the night, tired as heck, makes it seem like I've been sleeping longer when the alarm screeches for me to wake up at 6 AM. And I guess the main reason I'm ok with it is that when I wake up, I'm usually just SO out of it that it takes nothing to fall back asleep. And if it does, I'm still so tired that I'm too tired to be annoyed by the fact that I can't get back to sleep (and the sleeping feels longer still!).

Though, I do have troubles getting to sleep sometimes. This past week its been taking me a bit longer to get comfortable and fall asleep. But its nothing compared to the problems I used to experience. When I was 10 or so, my friend and I were about to head off to a summer camp for a week. The week before the summer camp, my friend spent the night and I couldn't get to sleep for the life of me. It was 1 AM, and I was sitting in the bathroom crying. That entire next week was pretty bad. Usually unable to sleep until 12 AM each night (which was late for me back then).

Luckily, after a few days at camp I began getting to sleep earlier but that was just because I was so tired from the days events. Ever since then, I've had major sleeping issues because the thought of not being able to get to sleep freaks me out.

Pretty much the big issue for me is noise. I hate hearing people snore. And breathe. This has gotten so bad to the point where I would leave sleepovers early so I could get sleep. Until I discovered earplugs. These magical things have been great. Although it does take me longer to get to sleep when I wear them (only like 30 minutes though). However, I don't mind hearing outside noises like dogs and crickets and etc. And I like falling asleep to the sound of people talking (whether actual people, or a television.)

But by far, the best way for me to get to sleep is for some quiet music to be playing. Its gotta be quiet for two reasons. 1) So my parents won't hear it and will also get some sleep and 2) So that I have to concentrate on it to hear the lyrics. I find this concentration helps my mind wander and eventually I drift off to sleep.

Which speaking of drifting off into sleep, I wish I could realize at the exact moment that I fell asleep that I was out. You know when you are so deep in thought, and then somehow you snap back to reality? And you know you weren't asleep but you feel like you were right there? Yeah.

Why can't I just turn on a button and get to sleep? And have a way where I automatically will have this amazing dream that doesn't make any sense that I will actually remember? That would be nice.

Speaking of dreams (not gonna get too into this cause I already wrote a lot), I had a few last night that I recall. And one was really scary. And sad. But oddly enough, I woke up without opening my eyes, and like...made the dream kinda end up how I wanted.

I suppose I gotta explain this one a little.

Basically I was on a boat with a friend and my dad and some enemies set a bomb in there and it was about to go off. So the ship was unraveling...and at this point it turned into my house? Well the back porch and yard anyhow. So my dad shooed my friend and I out of the backyard into the neighbors because for some reason the wood of the fence between would be unaffected by the bomb (though my house is wood, so looking back this makes no sense...)

And then he got in his truck, and was driving off. I could hear his truck as he was pulling out of the driveway, and gosh, he was being a careful driver which was freaking me out. I was literally crying and screaming for him to get far far away.

He did, thank god. And then my friend and I hear crying and there was this adorable blonde girl (maybe 4 years old?) on the jungle gym in my back yard. And the bomb was about to go off. So we tried to pull her over the fence (I was still crying at this point) and I cried to my friend, "I don't think we can get her!"

And it was at this point that I think I woke up? And I made it so that we pulled her over the fence. Then, after a few seconds of blackness and a lot of trying (my eyes wanted to remain shut), my eyes opened.

That dream really freaked me out. I'm still dwelling on it as if it were real. Like, why didn't my friend and I open the fence where the door thing was only a few yards away so she could run to us? And even though its definitely not kinda still feels that way. And the fact that I may have made the little girls rescue happen while possible 'awake'...well that makes it seem like the little girl died when the bomb exploded anyway. That is seriously one of the scariest things I can possibly think of.

And I feel really messed up because of it. I didn't realize how screwed up this dream is making me feel till right now. While this seems to be a pretty epic and clear dream...its a dream I really would have liked to forget.

Hungarian phrase: Szívesen (You're welcome)
Last movie watched: Just Friends (ahhh Ryan Reynolds.) (Thumbs up for watching movies when I wake up!)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

actually getting out of the house

Which I did today!

Whoo hoo! Unfortunately I don't really feel like writing today. Which is why I suppose this blog will remain boring and full of complaints about me being bored - because when I have stuff going on, I don't feel like blogging afterward. In fact, I usually feel like sleeping. Like at this very moment.

I will go on ahead anyway though because I'll probably forget some of this stuff tomorrow, and its all still very fresh in my head.

Lets start with my dentist appointment.

At my dentist office, there was a new hygienist dude. At least for me. I think he was new-ish (past 6 months new, that is) though. This was my first dentist appointment at this dentist office (where I have been going for maybe 4 or 5 years now?) where I did not watch the TV because he started out talking to me about Europe (cause he heard I was traveling later this summer) and I thought it would be rude to ask for the TV to be on. It was ok though.

ANYWAY. Since he was new, he had no knowledge of my past dentistry experience which my prior hygienists did because I had mentioned it when I first started going to this particular place to get my teeth looked at.

So he mentioned that he was going to polish my teeth, and I mentioned that when I was young, I would often cry before and during the entire polishing process. Until I was like 11. I know, seriously, pathetic. He kinda laughed, and then I said something like, "Yeah I still don't really like it, but I've realized its something that needs to be done."

It was at this point that he basically told me that, no, it didn't.

Apparently polishing is for removing stains. I don't know WHAT I thought polishing was for before, but I thought it was something uber important. Like removing plaque? Oh, but polishing does do that! Though he informed me that it only removes surface plaque, and that can be removed with a toothbrush.


He then said I could bypass the polishing if I wanted since my teeth weren't really stained, and it was purely to freshen up.

I figured my mom would want me to get them polished, and I like shinier teeth, so I said I'd like him to polish them anyway (despite the nasty taste and consistency).


I went to a graduation party for a friend of mine, and there was an extremely beautiful man there. Oh my god. I noticed him when he was sitting in the hot tub (my friends and I were up above cause we didn't bring swim suits). And I thought he was pretty cute.

As I was pointing him out to a friend of mine, he started to get out of the hot tub. And oh my god. His abs. So. Beautiful.

I stared at him for much of the evening.

Before I knew his name, I called him 'Abs'. It seemed fitting. One of my friends called him 'Jacob Black' because of how tan he was. (Keep in mind that this Twilight reference was not because she is a Twilight fan. It was more making fun of him and how tan he was. BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS BEAUTIFUL). So then our friend (who's graduation party it was) informed us of his real name.

But I continued to call him Abs. Because he is/was nothing but a piece of meat to me.

I feel ok admitting that because I will never see him again - due to the fact that while I am extremely outgoing at times, I'm freaking shy when it comes to meeting new people ( people...agh scary!).

And then after the party we went to Target because there is nothing else to do in this lame town. How sad. On the bright side, there was a book we looked at that had a lot of pretty cupcakes.

Yesterday my friend in Hungary (who I am going out to see later!) got online, and responded to many of my comments (cause I leave them daily while she is away for the summer. This is the third year of it.) and it made me uber duber happy! Yesterday I also worked a 7 hour shift. Yayyy for money. I was extremely unhappy to arrive back home at 10 PM to find my sister had finished off the last of the ice cream.

Oh well, good thing its out of the house so I can eat healthier? Eh. I need to hit the gym...

Hungarian Phrase: Kérem (Please) (Still unable to conquer 'goodbye'! ARGH)
Last movie watched: Sweet Home Alabama (I didn't watch it again even! High five for having a life and not watching too many movies! *smack!* <-- as in giving a high five...yeah...)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Those articles of clothing are SO hard to shop for (at least in my experience), but once you find a pair you like. Ahhh, perfection!


Today has definitely been the most eventful day of my summer thus far. Well, maybe not. Does work count as something fun? Maybe not, but at least I was kept occupied and was able to make some money while doing it.

Before work, I went to a bridal shower for one of my best friends! I'm a bridesmaid :) It was nice to see a few of my friends  - although it had only been a week. I mentioned how we need to hang out because I've been holed up in my house, so I think I'll be a little better off next week... especially since I've already kinda made plans with three different people? Oops, I'll figure it out tomorrow - will give me something to do before going to work again.

Today I discovered a new artist that I love. Well, I don't think its a new artist, but its definitely new to me. Ben Folds. Ahhh that music just is so EASY to listen to. Like, its not exactly the music I find myself singing at the top of my lungs. Its more the music I could just sit and listen to and ENJOY.

I don't feel like I have as much to say today as I have in the past. Maybe its cause I am simultaneously writing my daily comment to my friend who is currently in the land of Hungaria!

Oh, welp, something I've been doing a lot of lately is looking at the website of the college I am leaving for in September, and just hoping I find something new and fun to look forward. Or I look around on the interwebs for cool bed comforters and dorm things I should get. Fun? Yes. Helpful? Yes (though maybe I should not do it so often). Sad? ...perhaps!

I wish I could write more, but nothing is really on my mind today. Maybe tomorrow.

Hungarian phrase: Köszönöm (thank you) (how odd is it that it is pronounced kers-ern-erm?)
Last movie watched: Sweet Home Alabama (again) (Though I should add I watched it again since my last post. Ahah)
"What do you wanna marry me for anyhow?"
"So I can kiss you anytime I want"

Saturday, June 12, 2010

one tree hill

Please don't judge me. I can't help it. One Tree Hill is just such a beautiful mix of drama and hot guys. 

Also, I can become really involved with the characters. I'm one of those girls who LIVES television shows and movies. Maybe I don't always cry, but I get mad. And I dwell on things that happen in these shows for weeks. For example: when Casey and Evan broke up in the show Greek (again, don't judge), I was incredibly upset. And I'm still rooting for them to get back together.

Another thing about television shows and me is that I tend to root for the couples that everyone else is against. Casey and Evan, Brooke and Lucas (though I am fully past this one. I am all about Brooke and Julian now), and.... ok, I guess thats basically it, because those are the only weird couples I root for. Other television couples I root for (that everyone else does) include Phoebe and Mike, Rachel and Ross, Rachel and Finn...and more that I can't think of. I just can't seem to remember any other television shows I watch.

OH, theres The Bachelorette! Gosh, I'm so ridiculously hooked on this show right now. I tend to have really good instincts when rooting for one person in the house on this show. For example; I rooted for Molly on Jason's season (they ended up together), rooted for Jake and Reid on Jillian's season (Jake was the new bachelor, Reid got 3rd), was alll for Ali on Jakes season (shes the current bachelorette!), and currently I am hoping she picks Chris L.

*here contains spoilers according to a gossip site, so if you don't wanna be spoiled...scroll down till you see the word SAFE*

According to Steve (of Reality Steve), Chris L. makes the top two :) Though he is unsure of whether Ali picks Chris, or Roberto (gag). As glad as I am my instincts were right, WHY DID I GO LOOK UP SPOILERS? I know, I know this could all potentially be false since it hasn't aired yet...but this dude has the scoop! He's always been right in the past. He's just got connections.

Even though Chris L. is my fave, I really don't like Roberto. So part of me wants Ali to choose Roberto, because then that leaves Chris L. to be the bachelor next season. None of the other guys on the show so far seem worthy of being the next bachelor. Except perhaps Kirk, though I'm not loving him yet.


So many of the guys currently in the house are such douchebags! I hate how they are ragging on Justin (although I don't really like him, and is a total sleazeball). But seriously, they don't know anything for sure, and they are just ruthless and petty. Like middleschool girls. So as of right now, the guys I can tolerate and somewhat like are:

Chris L. (right, YUM)

...and well, I guess thats all thats left for the guys who aren't losers.

Agh, and know what sucks? I can't even watch the show on television on Monday nights. Why? Cause we don't pay for television and ABC doesn't come in well very often. So I have to wait until Tuesday to watch it. Which I guess is ok, since I spend my summer days pretty much doing nothing.
Um, wow, just spent forever writing about television - mainly The Bachelorette. I am so cool.

So today whilst looking at the 'dashboard' thing on this site, I noticed it said I had one follower. And I got REALLY excited. That is, until I clicked on it and realized it was myself. Earlier I had tested to see if you can follow yourself. The good news: you can! The bad: My only follower is me.

This just adds to my coolness. And now I can say that I legitimately write my blog for myself and not my followers. 

Well, this is only my 4th entry, and as of yet, my entries have left little to be desired. But people will come. Eventually.

Today's Hungarian phrase: Nem értem. (I don't understand)
Last movie watched: Sweet Home Alabama*
Followers: 1!

*I should add that the ending was cheesy, predictable, and I loved it (just as I expected)

Friday, June 11, 2010

coca cola

While in Mexico, I discovered one of the most beautiful drinks known to man. Coca-cola. But wait Amy? Isn't Coca-cola, like, known everywhere? How have you not had it before?

Uhhhhhh, course I've had it before. But you haven't HAD Coca-cola until you've had Coca-cola from Mexico. The cola from Mexico uses real sugar as opposed to corn syrup stuff (or whatever, I'm not a complete expert on this), and it tastes astronomically better.

Anywho, you can buy 24 packs from Costco of Coca-cola from Mexico. My mom bought some for my graduation party, and it pretty much made my life.

Moving on - I think today was possibly one of the most busy days of my summer break thus far. Which is pathetic considering what I did.

Drove my sister places
Target/Best Buy

Though the word 'relax' seems to be in there as much as ever, I really spent less time 'relaxing' than over the past few days.

But still! So sad! Like, really? This day is busy? Why isn't hanging out with friends on there.

Well, I'm not positive on this one, but I'm pretty sure its because Amy dislikes talking on the telephone and making plans. She may even fear rejection - though obviously if people already have plans its not her fault (unless they could have invited her and didn't? AGH).

But I guess going to the bank was pretty big - I got a debit card! And then signed up to get a credit card.

Oh but wait, doesn't one need to be 18 to get a credit card?

Eff, apparently so.

I had really hoped to be getting a pretty debit card. I've seen lots with cool designs and stuff, like tye dye...or a bear in the grass. But noooo, mine is just plain red. Granted, I'll be getting a permanent one in the mail soon with my actual name on it. Still though. Plain. Red.

I've taken up learning some Hungarian the past few days. Kinda. Just trying to get down some basic phrases before my trip.

I can successfully said 'no', 'where is', 'I don't speak Hungarian', 'false', 'how are you', 'yes', and 'hello'.

Nem, hol van, nem tudok magyarul, hais, hogy vagy, igen, szia (respectively)

I actually had to look a few of those up for spelling, cause I only remembered how to say them... the phrase I am most proud to have conquered is "I don't speak Hungarian". NEM TUDOK MAGYARUL. I bet I'll have forgotten it tomorrow morning. 

I think my biggest problem with the Hungarian language thus far is that I have Spanish pronunciation stuck in my head. Foreign language? Ope, my mind jumps to, "Ok Amy, when you read this, its just like reading Spanish!" Once I tried to help some friends with their studies for French, and um, why the eff isn't the letter 's' pronounced?

Ok welp (well), I also bought Sweet Home Alabama today, so I think I'm gonna go finish that one.

(I was gonna type good-bye in Hungarian here, but the word is far too long and complicated. I've tried it half a dozen times, and I still can't get it. Egh.)

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I mean, McFly pretty much is the best band ever. I've loved them for over four years now. Which seems to be quite a feat for me, because I've never liked a band for so long. But then again, I'm only 17. Still though - impressive seeing as I'm incredibly indecisive.

And don't get me started on Tom Fletcher. I've loved him for the same amount of time, and I've fa sho never liked a guy for more than four years. Sigh, unrequited love ;)

Earlier today I was watching Sweet Home Alabama on my computer. It was my first time seeing it, and I really liked it alot. But maybe the reason I like it so much is because I still haven't finished it. Not that I've heard that the ending is bad, but just because they didn't have the full movie on the site I was watching it on. And I couldn't find the full movie anywhere (unless it was one of those sites where you have do a quiz and give out your address).

So thats lame. I am tempted to just look up the ending (although I'm pretty sure what will happen - I mean, come on, its a chick flick!), but I don't wanna ruin it and then never want to ever see the end of it.

Today my best friend left for Hungary, as she does every summer. This year I'll see her after a month though because I'm going out there to see her - but still! A month! Thats like...1/12 of a year.

Woke up
Doctor's appointment
....and the rest of the day is yet to be finished. I plan on heading over to my fathers office to work on a tutorial thing for college later on...but eh, we'll see....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I used to not like cherries. A few days ago, I was hungry and looking for a snack. My mom suggested cherries. And oddly enough, cherries sounded REALLY appetizing. So I ate some. And I've been eating them constantly since (granted, its only been like three days now). I still hate maraschinos though. Ew. Just ew.


My name is Amy. And in the last sentence I just wrote, I cursed my 'm' key approximately two times, because sometimes it sticks it doesn't work. Kind of like my cell phone, which has the 'v' key sometimes stuck. You'd be surprised at how often I use the letter 'v'.

I just graduated highschool, and I'm headed off to college in Seattle in September (September in Seattle, Sean Mullins:), good song). But before that, I gotta get through this summer. Not that summer is hard to get through or anything. It just sometimes feels like its so...long. I just get bored. Only on some days, but still. And I feel so stressed when I'm bored. Like I NEED to be out doing something exciting!

Anyway, thats how its felt in past summers. I'm really hoping its different this year cause I have a job (which unfortunately isn't all that steady at this point and time) and because half way through the summer I am joining a friend of mine in Europe. I'll be there for about a month. And when we get back, I still have another month. Though I expect I won't be too bored then. I'll be too busy created memories. I hope.

Enough about this summer; more about me. That is the point of this blog right? For me to talk about myself without annoying my friends to no end?

Well, I play tennis. On my highschool tennis team this past spring I was the number one girl. Which was really awesome - mainly cause I worked my way from the bottom of the latter freshmen year to the top my senior year. 

I love television and movies and books. Mainly, I just love stories. A lot of the time I feel like my life is boring - so I like to live through fictional stories. Sometimes its slightly pathetic as I get so wrapped up in the plot line - mainly in television shows because of all the cliff hangers. I think I like reading the best, though I haven't read much lately. The end of senior year was pretty stressful, and I haven't gotten back into reading yet. So right now I'm just on a TV streak. Lots of One Tree Hill. 

But back to reading. I've been a pretty huge book worm (Where did this phrase come from?) for most of my life. Except recently. And its weird. I remember reading constantly. And now I feel like I barely ever do it. I can't even begin to say its because there are no books left to read, because I don't think there will EVER be no books to read. Maybe its because I can't read those lame teen books anymore. I mean, I can, I just feel lame purchasing them or checking them out from the library. And most of my favorite books are actually adult novels, but I have a hard time choosing out those books to read because they look SO boring. Why do adult novels have covers that make me want to fall asleep? When I want to start an adult novel, its tough. I have a tough time sitting down and getting started. With the lame teen books, the covers are so pretty and bright that I KNOW I will enjoy it. I KNOW I will finish it really quickly. I KNOW I'll have characters to root for. But with a boring cover...ah, I dunno.  Why must I love teenage romance novels? It may be because I want one of those lame romances for myself...

Woke up at 9:30
Cleaned my room

In conclusion...too much relaxation.

Lets do something about that tomorrow....