Friday, November 12, 2010


I just got my birthday present from Charlotte in the mail.  It was the most amazing package ever - and I think what made it even better was that it was almost a month and a half late.  It made me feel that birthday joy on a day that is not my birthday :)

Anywho, I'm just going to highlight two items in the package. 1) An embellished hanger. Yes. SO BEAUTIFUL. 2) Temporary knuckle tattoos.  For girls.  There are 14 total with short phrases like "Jail bait", "Good girl", "A hot mess" & etc. I'm so stoked you don't even know.

Not much has changed since yesterday!! The pain still exists, but I'm doing my best not to think about it :) It helps being surrounded by people who appreciate me :)

It is slightly odd how frequently updating this blog. It will stop, I can promise that.  I think the only reason I'm even writing this blog entry is that I have a term paper that I should be writing right now.  And its not even that I don't want to write - the writing is fine. I like writing, obviously. Its the research that bugs me. And finding the facts I want to include (with the sources).  Once I got all of that done, I'm good. Part of it is also getting started.

I feel like I had some pretty realistic dreams last night, but I can't quite remember them. I think they included people here.  If I remember it later, it will be the first dream I've had about anyone hear that I remember.  Most of the people in my dreams are still friends back home and some random strangers.

I want to paint my nails a new color. However, I only brought two nail colors to college with me, and I am sick of them both.  I think I may have to find some nail polish to borrow.

I think this will be all for now.  I need to write that dang paper.

Szia! :)

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