Tuesday, September 14, 2010


As in the dreams you have when you're sleeping. Not the dreams that are like... what you hope for yourself. Well, actually I like those too. Its just not what I was referring to.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because I had a really awesome dream a few nights ago. And it was one of those dreams thats just like... whoa. So I'm gonna write about it, cause I really enjoy talking about it.

SO. There was good and evil in the world. I was on the good side (or so I thought, for all I know, it could have been actually evil. But in my opinion: GOOD). The people on the good side followed a spirit-man-silver thing. Those on the bad side followed the same type of creature, except evil. And the bad guy was the only person in the dream (besides me) who had a name. His name was Jeff. But I'm gonna name all the characters in the dream because it gets somewhat confusing. Lets call the good guy I followed... Peter.

Peter and his upper followers (ie other people and me) were hanging out at a park, when all of the sudden Peter disappeared with a flash of silver. The flash of silver was in the form of a deer. Like. A Patronous is a good way to describe what it was. Anyway, we all knew what that meant. Jeff and his minions. (For the record, you should know that Jeff is trying to kill Peter.)

The minions (they buzzzzzed!) appear, and alll the other followers of Peter and I have to get at the bottom of a slide (there were SO MANY SLIDES) because we needed to claim them, and also because the minions would go down them and we wanted them to get stuck. I was a little late getting a slide. So I had to fight a minion for one, but in the middle of the fight the minions retreated, so I took control of the slide. 

Well, next came more of Jeff's followers, only these were actual humans and could speak rather than buzz. So there was one of the bad followers in the slide I had claimed, trying to push me so it could get out. It must have been a small boy cause he wasn't very strong and I wasn't having any difficulty maintaining my ground. 

A tall blonde guy appeared (we shall call him Neil) and all of the sudden the little boy trying to push me was a bigger boy. But in my mind he was always the same person, he just hadn't actually been trying to push me before. Anyway, after a few blows, and I fell on the ground, and Neil captured me.

So, I was hostage (it was like, behind some bushes but it was somehow an actual building? Idk), and I was the only hostage for awhile. I talked to Neil a bit, yada yada. Then another hostage appeared, and Neil had to go do an errand because it turns out he was basically Jeff's second in command. (Also during all this time I can see Peter's silver flash everywhere meaning he was popping from place to place and I was thinking Jeff was really stupid for being unable to find Peter)

The other hostage was like, "Yo, theres an easy way to escape." And I said, "Umm don't think thats such a good idea..." So the other hostage was attempting to escape, but then Neil came back and caught him! And I really really wanted Neil to know that I was not trying to escape, I had actually thought it was a bad idea. It was at this moment in the dream that I realized I WAS IN LOVE WITH NEIL. But it was wrong cause he was evil!

And I don't really remember anything beyond that point. I think I woke up. 

So yes, I quite enjoyed that dream. I wonder if it has some sort of deep meaning. 

College starts soonnnn. Agh. My best friend leaves this Friday. Thats pretty much the only thing I'm nervous for. It feels like the next four days will be the only days where it will ever be the same again. We're gonna try like crazy to stay insanely close... but what if when we see each other again its just awkward or something? I dunno, I'm nervous cause its possible that it will never be this good with her ever again. So I wanna make the most of it. But I would pretty much do anything to stay as close as we are now, if not closer. Hungary and London really brought us together. We were close already... but being together 24/7 strengthened it. Which is why another trip with her to a place I love would be fantastic. I'm pretty sure I covered this a few days ago... but eh. Its something I just feel like writing about anyway, regardless of whether I already did or not.

Anyway, haven't read any of the blogs I follow since I got home over 3 weeks ago, so Immma go do that.


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